Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

Public Health

October 10, 2023

Dietary Inflammatory Index Scores of the 3-Week Habitual Diet at a State Hospital

This project assessed the inflammatory potential of patients’ diets at a state hospital. The findings showed that their daily nutrient intake was inversely associated with a risk of depression and depressive symptoms, cognitive impairment, cardiovascular disease, and specific cancers.

August 18, 2023

Trauma-Informed Nutrition: A Critical Resource for Houseless Youth

Utilizing a trauma-informed, harm-reduction approach to nutrition delivery, Teen Feed’s meal program is committed to providing nightly meals that create safety and trust through consistency and reliability and honor autonomy and personal preference by offering the ability to choose foods based on clients’ nutritional needs and philosophy. This project’s two-page white paper is aimed at…

August 14, 2023

Policies to End Hunger in Washington State: Campaign Development for the Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition 2023 Legislative Priorities

The 2023 Washington state legislative session coincided with a landscape of unprecedently high rates of food insecurity and hunger that were anticipated to climb significantly given the complex impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and food supply chain. Ending hunger and improving food access in Washington requires a concerted effort among anti-hunger and…

Effect of Cocoa Extract Supplementation on Mental Health and Risk of Incident Late-Life Depression: A Secondary Analysis of the COSMOS Trial

A secondary analysis of the COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS) Trial investigating the effects of cocoa extract supplementation on subjective mental health and incident late-life depression in older adults.

July 31, 2023

Teen Feed Balanced Meal Checklist

A simple document to help Teen Feed volunteer teams create balanced meals for their patrons based on the Healthy Eating Research (HER) nutrition guidelines. Community Partner: Teen Feed This project was completed as part of NUTR 596: Nutrition Practice Capstone.

June 29, 2023

Teen Feed: The Hidden Value of Design in Food Presentation

Many factors influence food intake and health outcomes, especially in a population of individuals experiencing houselessness, trauma, and food-insecurity. This handout for Teen Feed volunteers outlines how a focus on food presentation may show clients that they are valued and worthy, perhaps helping to build trust in the organization and facilitate relationship building. Community Partner:…

June 28, 2023

Farm to Early Care and Education in Washington: A Statewide Survey and Report

Dietary habits linked to the incidence of chronic disease are developed early in life. Created to address these habits, Farm to Early Childcare and Education (Farm to ECE) initiatives incorporate local food, agriculture, and nutrition through experiential learning opportunities in early childcare settings, and have been shown to improve children’s dietary habits and cultivate a…

June 27, 2023

Conducting Surveys to Better Understand Urban Garden Contamination Across King County (Soil Health Justice Initiative Team 3)

In collaboration with two other partner teams, these students worked with the Soil Health Justice Initiative, an ongoing research project that examines soil health contamination in King County community growing spaces. The group helped administer and analyze the results of a survey to assess how gardeners are exposed to soil contaminants in urban gardens. In…

Conducting Surveys to Better Understand Urban Garden Contamination Across King County (Soil Health Justice Initiative Team 2)

In collaboration with two other partner teams, these students worked with the Soil Health Justice Initiative, an ongoing research project led by Dr. Melanie Malone that examines soil health contamination in King County community growing spaces. The group helped advertise, administer, and analyze the results of a robust survey seeking to capture how gardeners interact…

Conducting Surveys to Better Understand Urban Garden Contamination Across King County (Soil Health Justice Initiative Team 1)

In collaboration with two other partner teams, these students worked with the Soil Health Justice Initiative, an ongoing research project that examines soil health contamination in King County community growing spaces. The group helped administer and analyze the results of a survey to assess how gardeners are exposed to soil contaminants in urban gardens. In…

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