Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health

Nutrition Education

December 19, 2023

What is North Korean Food?

This project involved the creation of an infographic featuring North Korean foods that are largely unknown to the rest of the world in an effort to diversify the type of information available on North Korean culture, foods, and tradition. Due to a lack of available images and information online, a freelance artist was hired to…

Increasing Statewide Support for Eating Disorders Among Adolescents

Partnered with the Washington State Department of Health to create a healthcare provider-facing informational handout about adolescent eating disorders to increase awareness and share resources. Detailed types of eating disorders, signs and symptoms, risk factors, potential long-term consequences, recommendations for providers, screening tools, and treatment centers. Community Partner: Washington State Department of Health, Children and…

Exploring Connections Between Markets and Health: A Collaboration with Slow Food International

Collaborated with Slow Food International to support a webinar exploring the connection between farmer’s markets and health. Synthesized findings and external research into an editorial for marketing initiatives. Community Partner: Slow Food International; Earth Markets division

WSDA 2022-2023 Farm to School Purchasing Grants’ Post-Grant Survey and Purchasing Data Analysis

Analyzed 2022-2023 Farm to School Purchasing Grants’ post-grant survey and purchasing data to produce key impact metrics. These key metrics will be used to report the impact of the 2022-2023 Farm to School Grants to policy makers, stakeholders, and public as an impact infographic that will be released at WSDA website. Community Partner: WA State…

A Taste of the Season: Creating Community Nutrition Education Materials for Seattle’s Refugee and Immigrant Seniors

In partnership with registered dietitians at Tilth Alliance, created culturally tailored nutrition education materials for an in-season vegetable (Swiss Chard) and presented the materials to refugee and immigrant seniors at community centers in Seattle, Washington. Community Partner: Tilth Alliance

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) Educational Toolkit

The FFVP toolkit will serve as a complementary nutrition education resource for staff, teachers, students, and parents at participating Seattle public schools. It is a compilation of materials that include lesson plans, videos, in-class activities, produce factsheets, and shopping guides for each FFVP produce item served in the 2023-2024 school year. Community Partner: City of…

November 30, 2023


Worked with the Pike Place Market Foundation to develop NutriNavigator, a lesson plan and digital map, for 6th grade students to gain a deeper understanding of the nutritional value of diverse foods commonly found in a farmer’s market. The students will use the map as they explore what a farmer’s market is and learn the…

The Basics of Nutrition for Cancer Prevention: A Guide for Patient Populations and Partners Affiliated with the American Cancer Society

Created a concise and informative handout presenting practical and evidence-based information promoting healthy eating habits to individuals with cancer so they – or those caring for them – can make informed choices about their nutrition. The guide will be distributed by the American Cancer Society to their patient population and partners through various channels, including…

October 10, 2023

Pediatrician Survey: Assessment of Feeding Difficulties in Primary Care

Pediatricians in Washington state tend to delay referring children for assistance with feeding difficulties, compounded by long wait lists for this needed support. There is now an effort to create an improved, three-tier approach in the state to decrease the amount of time children and families spend waiting for feeding difficulty assistance, which includes: increasing…

Diabetes Education and Stakeholder Outreach for Immigrant/Refugee Populations in Seattle

Ethnomed provides translation services, cultural mediation, and community expertise for UW Medical Centers in their work with refugee and immigrant communities from five different countries. The organization’s work – which also includes research and project management – places them at the critical nexus of healthcare and the often-overlooked area of public health outreach. The scope…

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