Research & Practice

UW Farm Strategic Goal #1: Meet Academic Demand – Team 2

The UW Farm is a great resource for students across all disciplines at the University of Washington, yet there is a desperate need for funding and staffing to meet academic demand as presented in the Farm’s strategic plan. To help streamline the process of getting in contact/being involved at the farm, the team created a mock website presenting an overview of ways for faculty to become involved with the farm, a faculty interest form with various opportunities and activities, and a prospective job opportunity board. The website efficiently collects data to track departmental and individual class interest, as well as potential funding sources, and was designed to integrate with the UW Farm’s existing online presence.

Community Partner: Josh Lawler, UW School of Environmental and Forest Sciences

Project Type(s): Undergraduate Capstone

Author(s): Corey Maloney, Mckenzie Egan, Phoebe Chen, Renee Hopper

Program(s): Food Systems Major

Year: 2023
