Research & Practice

Policies to End Hunger in Washington State: Campaign Development for the Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition 2023 Legislative Priorities

The 2023 Washington state legislative session coincided with a landscape of unprecedently high rates of food insecurity and hunger that were anticipated to climb significantly given the complex impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy and food supply chain. Ending hunger and improving food access in Washington requires a concerted effort among anti-hunger and anti-poverty service providers, first-person voice and community-based advocates, national experts, and federal and state legislators. The purpose of this practicum project was to conduct campaign research and development for the Anti-Hunger & Nutrition Coalition’s (AHNC) 2023 legislative priorities to support anti-hunger and anti-poverty policies and advocacy efforts. Most directly, research was conducted for the development of a policy brief on the state of hunger in Washington (deliverable 1) and legislative campaign materials for Free School Meals for All (HB 1238), Hunger-Free College Campuses (HB 1559), and an Early Action Budget for Hunger Relief (HB 1784) (deliverable 2). Research included in-depth inspection of peer-reviewed literature, industry reports, professional publications, and past campaign materials from national partners. Results were used to create succinct, didactic policy documents to support anti-hunger advocates when informing legislators of the need for state-level policies that create and strengthen anti-hunger and anti-poverty programs and improve access to food and other basic needs in the community. The practicum deliverables have greatly supported AHNC’s 2023 legislative priorities, contributing to successful House passages of each bill, and will be used to encourage final passage of all policies through the completion of the 2023 legislative session.

Materials Available

Project Type(s): MPH Practicum, PH Concentration Poster

Author(s): Andrea Litzow

Program(s): Master of Public Health, RDN Training

Year: 2023
